| Association of Group Travel Organisers
The independent organisation representing the interests of those who organise tours and trips for groups as well as those who provide services for group travel. The organisation for organisers!
Website: www.agto.co.uk
 | The British Tourism & Travel Show
British Tourism & Travel Show is the essential industry event for anyone responsible for planning trips, holidays, tours and breaks for groups and individuals, both domestic and international tourists throughout Britain and Ireland.
A trip to British Tourism & Travel Show will ensure your next itinerary, outing or programme is packed full of imaginative and inspirational travel ideas. Over 2 days, explore the very best hotels, attractions and destinations from the length and breadth of the British Isles. Offering a great opportunity to meet existing and source new suppliers and service providers, your visit will leave you packed up and ready to go for your next trip!
Website: www.tourismshow.co.uk
 | Coach Tourism Association
The CTA (formerly the CTC) was set up 27 years ago to promote travel and tourism by coach. Today it has nearly 300 members, split between coach tour operators and tour wholesalers and industry suppliers.
Website: www.coachtourismassociation.co.uk
 | UKinbound
UKinbound is the only trade association to represent and unite the UK's inbound tourism businesses.
Website: www.ukinbound.org
 | European Tour Operators Association
ETOA was formed to give Europe’s Inbound Industry a political voice.
Website: www.etoa.org
 | Confederation of Passenger Transport
As the government-recognised trade association for the bus, coach and light rail industries, CPT is the focus for consultation and negotiation on legislation, regulation, practices and standards.
Website: www.cpt-uk.org
 | British Association of Wholesale Tour Agents
BAWTA is the only trade association in the UK specifically for tour wholesalers.
Website: www.bawta.co.uk
 | The Guild of Registered Tourist Guides
The Guild is the national professional association for Blue Badge Tourist Guides working in London and throughout the British Isles, including the Isle of Man and Jersey.
With over 800 full members and a network of regional and local associations with nearly 1,000 members holding group membership, the Guild represents around 1,800 guides. It's members offer guiding in 34 different languages.
Website: www.britainsbestguides.org
 | made
A Tourism Marketing, Representation & PR company, an event organiser, specialising in the production of high-profile promotional events, and an organiser of travel itineraries for individuals and groups.
Website: www.made2010.com
 | Heritage Railway Association
The Heritage Railway Association represents the majority of heritage and tourist railways and railway preservation groups within both the UK, and Ireland. There are also several overseas members.
Website: www.heritagerailways.com/hra.html
 | National Trust
The sheer scale and enormous variety of National Trust houses and gardens means that wherever you go, you're never far from a great day out.
Website: www.nationaltrust.org.uk
 | The National Trust for Scotland
The National Trust for Scotland is the conservation charity that protects and promotes Scotland's natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy.
Website: www.nts.org.uk/discover
 | English Heritage
English Heritage champions our historic places and advises the Government and others to help today's generation and ensure that it is protected for future generations.
Website: www.english-heritage.org.uk/daysout/travel-trade/
 | The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT)
The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) is one of the world’s largest and most respected wetland conservation organisations working globally to safeguard and improve wetlands for wildlife and people.
All of our work is supported by a much valued membership base of over 200,000 people.
Website: www.wwt.org.uk
 | The Royal Horticultural Society
The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK's leading gardening charity dedicated to advancing horticulture and promoting good gardening.
Website: www.rhs.org.uk
 | Tourism Ireland
Tourism Ireland is responsible for marketing the island of Ireland overseas as a holiday and business tourism destination.
We deliver world class marketing programmes in 23 markets across the world and reach a global audience up to 600 million each year. Targeted marketing activity includes advertising online, on TV and outdoor sites, in cinemas and in newspapers and magazines, eMarketing, overseas publicity, co-operative marketing with carriers and other partners and promotions to the travel trade and consumers.
Website: www.tourismireland.com/
 | The Tourism Society
The Tourism Society is the professional membership body for people working in all sectors of the visitor economy.
It is where individuals from across all sectors of the Visitor Economy come together (online and offline) for discussion, debate, to share views and knowledge, and to network.
The Society is the only professional membership organisation that represents all of Tourism - across all disciplines, geography and career stages.
Whether you work in the public, private or voluntary sector, are well-established in your career path or are just starting out on a travel or tourism course at college or university, the Tourism Society offers unrivalled opportunities to develop your business contacts and tap into a wealth of experience and expertise.
Website: www.tourismsociety.org/
Cadw is the Welsh Government’s historic environment service working for an accessible and well-protected historic environment for Wales. Cadw is part of the Welsh Government’s Economy, Science and Transport Department and is answerable to Ken Skates, Cabinet Secretary for the Economy and Infrastructure.
Cadw is also responsible for delivering against Programme for Government targets which are set by the Welsh Government. These include, but are not limited too, Culture and Heritage, Growth and Sustainable Jobs and Tackling Poverty.
Website: cadw.gov.wales/?lang=en
 | Hōrō Travel Memories
Our favourite travel blog. Hōrō Travel Memories is a travel blog that covers trips all over the world. Great if you're looking for inspiration or entertainment.
Website: www.horotravelmemories.com/